Instagram Meme Page Immortalizes Delta Airlines Incident with Parody T-shirts (But Might’ve Gotten Into Trouble For It)

By now, you might’ve seen footage, pictures, or a news story about the Delta Airlines flight to Barcelona that had to return to Atlanta after a passenger had something of an accident in the aisles (and on the seats).

After a few hours’ delay, during which a crew could rip up the carpet and allow customers to return to a more hygienic airline environment, the plane made its way to its destination. But, the news has created all sorts of memes as, well, this kind of thing is high on the list of things that one could joke about.

The Instagram account (which now doubles as a merchandise seller) Sh*theadsteve almost immediately sold a parody T-shirt touching on the event, with the Delta Airlines logo, but instead of “Delta,” it says “Diarrhea,” according to Off The Beaten Points.

Some jokes don’t need to be thinkers.

It’s gross, sure. But, these sorts of meme moments tend to do well in today’s world, especially when content creators can link their own print-on-demand merchandise from social media. It’s the same as in sports, where people take those “micro-moments” and immortalize them on merchandise.

Will it be confusing in the near future when we’ve all moved on and forgotten about this whole thing? Absolutely. But, for right now, people want to hop on meme trends, no matter how gross they might be.

It appears, though, that since going up, the shirts were taken down. It could have been through a cease-and-desist from Delta, as the design used the logo for a purpose that Delta no doubt would not want to be associated with.

That’s the thing with these sorts of merchandise. Some of them will try to use trademarked or copyrighted material to link to the source of the meme, but that’s where the designer and distributor get in hot water. It’s crucial to be aware of the art you’re using for your products, so you’re not infringing on any copyright or trademark.

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